🗝️Token-gated access
Token-gated access (TGA) is a means of requiring others to hold a certain token in order to gain access to your vault on Akord.
This is particularly interesting for NFT collections as a way to add value to token holders, offering them additional content within private vaults protected with end-to-end encryption. It's also a way for creators to gate access to exclusive content in a web3 way that allows them to fully own and control their data. TGA could also be used by DAOs and businesses looking to restrict access to certain internal data.
On Akord, token-gated access can be used for permanent storage vaults deployed on Arweave, but also cloud storage vaults.
The tokens that can be used for gating access to the vault are currently limited to Ethereum and Polygon tokens using the ERC20, ERC721 and ERC1155 standards.
We will extending support to Arweave and Solana NFTs in the near future.
Managing access through a whitelist
A key mechanism in the flow is the creation and management of a whitelist.
The whitelist is the holding area that users get into once they have verified that they hold the relevant token. From the whitelist, the owner can approve access, giving them the keys required to access the vault.
Currently in private Beta
This feature is currently in private Beta. Feel free to look through this documentation and contact us if you would like to be involved in testing this out.
We're specifically looking for web3 creators and DAOs who may be interested in using this feature for their communities.
Last updated